Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More countries may join possible BlackBerry ban

This is bad news to Blackberry owners out there. I just hope the Philippines is not one of those. Besides, millions already purchased this smartphone and the security issues between RIM and the government must not make the consumers suffer.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A WAHM's Choice

Yesterday, I accompanied my mother to the supermarket. Then out of the blue she asked me, "How do you see yourself  at this point in time next year?" I answered, "Filling up this grocery basket with same items but with higher price tags." And we both laughed.

That night, the question echoed in my mind. It's a simple question that struck the chord in me that resulted with so many questions in my mind. What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? How am I going to do what I want to do? Why will I do it? More questions are popping up in my mind with answers all suspended in my brain. I took a deep breath. Breathing has never failed to help me stay calm and organize my thoughts.

I am a VA but my services should never stop there. I live in a poverty stricken world in one of the poorest urban communities in Metro Manila where informal settlers are rampant, being unemployed is just normal, half-naked tattooed individuals just walking down the streets, drug pushers and users publicly interacting and gang wars among youth as young as 9 years of age are taking place. I live in a community where many are trying to survive in ways they know. Life is, indeed, a big game of survival.

I want to make a difference and this is what I want to do. Why? Because I want to help people in my own ways. How? The answer is I don't know yet. I may choose to continue being just a WAHM doing VA jobs and wait for years to pass by until my eyes can't no longer stare on my computer monitor, or still be a WAHM doing VA jobs while helping people. During my teens years, I've been one of  the youth leaders here as I lead our youth organization members to do productive things for the community.  This time, maybe I can create jobs by being an entrepreneur. How? Well, I've been planning to start a business that can create jobs. By way of this blog site, I can also help other WAHM out there in their journey as a VA. There are lots of possibilities, lots of opportunities. But one thing is sure, at least I know what I want to do now and I think I've planned enough. It's time to act and make things happen.

Everything in this world is our choice and I chose to be what I want to be -- a WAHM doing VA jobs while helping alleviate poverty in a small corner of the community.

Want to share something?

Hi! If you're a WAHM and have articles which you feel would contribute to the growth of all freelancers, independent contractors or home-based workers, or if you want to share any of your experiences or musings working from home, please feel free to send them over to bexmvpr at yahoo dot com.